Courses we offer

Certificate course in Globalization, Governance and Policy Reforms

The focus of this intensive certificate course is on developing profound conceptual understanding of globalization, governance and policy-making. Its purpose is to enhance your ability to shape and lead improved public services.

Who is it for?

• Students and graduates of Journalism, Economics, Political Science, Law, Public Administration, International Relations, Management, etc.

• Managers working in or with public services in public sector, non-governmental or private sector organizations.

• Those concerned with the development of public policy and its delivery.

• Public professionals involved in shaping or implementing policy objectives.

• Any other student or professional interested to be aware and awakened about these topics can also apply with a statement of interest.

Programme content

• The Economic Freedom and Globalization

• Good Governance

• Public Policy Reforms

Delivery method

• Three stages of a month each, covering a topic each.

• Flexible, fully supported, modular delivery.

• Distance learning, hence flexible.

• Two assignments and a final paper.

• Part time study (approx 4-5 hours per week) allows participants to structure their learning around the demands of a career.

• Contact sessions in selected cities.


The programme is based on a number of principles that inform its structure, content and general approach, as follows:

• The role of government must be limited to core services and it must imbibe mechanisms of accountability and transparency.

• Globalization helps countries to explore their comparative advantage and thus elevate masses out of poverty, if practiced within framework of rule of law. The programme reflects these connections and deals with them in an integrated way.

• Students can gain through learning and sharing experience with each other.

Syllabus and content

The programme addresses four broad themes:

• Poverty and its root-cause: Why is India poor? Role of Markets and Globalization.

• Governance: Focus on various pending reforms in India.

• Principles of policy making: Policy-making in a number of specialised areas - for example, environment, education, livelihood.

To give a flavour of the programme, here is a small sample of the kinds of questions that it addresses:

• Why is India still a poor country even after sixty years of independence?

• Why do policies fail?

• What should be the role of Government in welfare?

• What kinds of unintended consequences can arise from well-intended policies and why?

• How does Globalization impact a poor country?

• How can environmental problems be tackled in India?

• What are the various reforms needed in Indian administration?


The programme is structured into three stages. The content of each stage is shown below:

Programme stage Contents

Module 1

Oct - Nov

(4 weeks of study) Economic Freedom and role of Globalisation

Economic Freedom

Researching reality


Module 2

Nov - Dec

(4 weeks of study) Governance and accountability

Right to Information

New Public Management

Local Governance

Module 3

Dec – Jan (4 weeks ) Public policy Reforms toolkit

An Independent Study Project or a paper of about 5,000 words


Certificate course in Active Citizenship

The focus of this intensive certificate course is on developing profound conceptual understanding of Governance and rights of a citizen. Its purpose is to enhance your ability to demand and lead improved public services.

Who is it for?

• Students, activists, RWAs

• Managers working in or with public services in public sector, non-governmental or private sector organisations.

• Professionals,

• Any one who is a tax payer and knows basic English

Programme content

• Good Governance and Rights of a citizen

• Corruption and Remedies

• New Public Management and Policy tool-kit

Delivery method

• Three stages of a month each, covering a topic each.

• Flexible, fully supported, modular delivery.

• Distance learning, hence flexible.

• Two assignments and a final paper.

• Part time study (approx 4-5 hours per week) allows participants to structure their learning around the demands of a career.

• Contact sessions in selected cities that would have documentary screenings, working group exercises and case studies


The programme is based on a number of principles that inform its structure, content and general approach, as follows:

• The role of government must be limited to core services and it must imbibe mechanisms of accountability and transparency.

• The citizens should be well-aware of their constitutional and legal rights that act as checks and balances over the public service delivery systems.

• Students can gain through learning and sharing experience with each other.

Syllabus and content

Focussed on local civic issues, the programme addresses three broad themes:

 Citizen and Government

 Aspects of Good Governance

 Decentralization: 73rd and 74th Amendment

 Participation: right to call back, referendum

 Accountability: RTI,

 Transparency: Proactive Disclosure

 Rights of a citizen

 Civil Liberties: Rights against i) Police ii) Administrative discretion

 Citizen Charter

 Corruption and Means of Redressal


 Grievance Redress Mechanism

 Other modes: CVC, Prevention of Corruption Act

 Service Level Agreements


 Media

 Public Policy and Service delivery

 Principles of Public-policy making: Policy-making in a number of specialised areas - for example, environment, education, livelihood.

 New Public Management

To give a flavour of the programme, here is a small sample of the kinds of questions that it addresses:

• Why is there so much corruption in India?

• Why do policies fail in implementation?

• What kinds of unintended consequences can arise from well-intended policies and why?

• How can you bring change as a citizen?

• How can you get the roads and street lights repaired without a penny of bribe?


The programme is structured into three stages. The content of each stage is shown below:

Programme stage Contents

Module 1

Oct - Nov

(4 weeks of study) Citizen and Government

Civil Liberties

Citizen Charter

Local Governance: 74th Amendment

Module 2

Nov - Dec

(4 weeks ) Corruption and means of redressal

Right to Information

Grievance redressal mechanism

Lokpal/ Ombudsman

Service Level Agreements



Module 3

Dec – Jan (4 weeks ) New Public Management and Public Policy Toolkit

An Independent Study Project or a paper of about 5,000 words

Open Learning

Being highly interactive and practitioner’s focussed, our approach to distance learning is distinctive and may be different from your general perceptions about this mode of study


Meritorious students or candidates with relevant experience in activism, from underprivileged background or financially backward sections may contact with relevant details and scanned documents at to apply for scholarships.


*There may be minor changes in the modules and structure without prior information.